Packed Lunches
Packed Lunch Options
Tiny Tots Under 5’s
- CapriSun
- Golden Wonder crisps
- GammonSandwichon Best of Both
- Fresh Apple
- Petit Filou
- Twin Kit Kat
The Wee Rascal 5-11’s
- Robinson fruit shoot
- Hula hoop crisps
- Egg and cheese mayonnaise sandwich
- Fresh Banana
- Muller Rice
- Rocky Road Biscuit
I don’t want to do that!! 12’s – 16’s
- Flavoured Water
- Monster Munch crisps
- Chicken and bacon sandwich
- Fresh Pear
- Mars Bar
- Muller light Corner
- Still water
- Muesli Bar
- Mini cheddars
- Coronation chicken chicken Brown or White
- Penguin Bar
- Muller Vitallity Pro Biotic Fibre yogurt
Sports lunch 1
- Nutri grain bar
- Lucozade
- Low fat crisps
- Roast beef and mustard on brown bread
- Yoghurt
- FreshPlum(seasonal)
Sports lunch 2
- High fibre bar
- Gatorade
- Low fat crisps
- Pitta stuffed with ham and mustard
- Ski Yogurt
- Fresh Banana
Sports lunch 3
- Protein bar
- Lucozade Sport
- Low fat crisps
- Baguette stuffed with Cajun chicken
- Pro Biotic Yoghurt
- Black Grapes
Hill walkers
- OasisBerryDrink
- Oatcakes and cheese
- Wrap stuffed with ham and pickle
- Actimel Yoghurt
- McCoys Roast Chicken Crisps
- Small Fruit Cocktail
Alternative items may be used in unforeseen circumstances. We cannot guarantee that no trace of nut will be present in all food items.
This is written entirely without prejudice to our client’s present or future pleas-in-law and may not be founded upon in any court action without our consent.